apparatus [ ap-uh-rat-uhs ]

noun, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.

a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our cinematographer shot some beautiful footage with his apparatus..

Enjoy my blog featuring 100 years of motion picture apparatuses.

Movette 17.5mm Amateur Cine Camera.
17.5mm Kino Cameras 17.5mm Kino Cameras

Movette 17.5mm Amateur Cine Camera.

“A Motion Picture Camera for Amateurs.

TAKE your own motion pictures. Come back with a moving picture of the good times you have had. You can take your own motion pictures with Movette. The camera is small, compact, easy to carry and operate.”

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Ernemann Kino II
17.5mm Kino Cameras 17.5mm Kino Cameras

Ernemann Kino II

In 1903 Heinrich Ernemann launched the marketing for his ‘Kino’ camera for 17.5 mm motion picture film, It was Germany’s first small-gauge camera made exclusively for amateur use.

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