apparatus [ ap-uh-rat-uhs ]
noun, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.
a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our cinematographer created some beautiful images with his apparatus.
Enjoy my blog featuring 100 years of motion picture apparatus.
Prestwich Patent Kinematograph-Model 5
The Prestwich Kinematograph Model 5 cine camera for 35mm film became Prestwich’s most popular model. It contains two 400 foot internal wood magazines. It is hand-cranked with two eight-frame-per-turn shafts and one single frame shaft. The film drive is by…
A Camera With No Name.
America, 1920’s
A Camera With No Name.
This mystery camera was used in the 1920’s to shoot a few short films in New Jersey and the east coast of America, but who is her maker?
Akeley Junior 35mm Camera
The picture worth a thousand words...
When I opened the image I was shocked to see not the Pancake, but a new previously unknown Akeley camera under Martin Johnson’s arm…
Akeley Pancake 35mm Camera
“There is a remarkable camera in Hollywood. It is the most difficult motion picture camera to operate successfully now in professional, but with it have been photographed some of the most thrilling action scenes on the screen today…”
Ernemann Kino Model E
The Kino Model E was manufactured by Ernemann Cameras in Dresden, Germany beginning in 1917.. The model E cinematographic camera was renowned throughout the world for its robustness and its cinematographic qualities…