apparatus [ ap-uh-rat-uhs ]
noun, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.
a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our cinematographer created some beautiful images with his apparatus.
Enjoy my blog featuring 100 years of motion picture apparatus.
W. Butcher and Sons Empire Cinematographic Cameras
W. Butcher and Sons Empire Cinematographic Cameras were offered in 4 models in their 1914 Catalog…but were they actually manufactured by Butcher & Sons? The Empire No. 3 looks just like the earlier Prestwich No. 5…but is it?…
Urban “Junior” Bioscope Cinematographic Camera
The Charles Urban Trading Company introduced its new “Junior” or Model A Bioscope Camera in its August, 1907 Catalog. Described as a “Marvellous Value” and it stated “every Exhibitor should possess his own Animated Picture Camera”…