apparatus [ ap-uh-rat-uhs ]
noun, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.
a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our cinematographer created some beautiful images with his apparatus.
Enjoy my blog featuring 100 years of motion picture apparatus.
Victor Cine and Ultra Cine Cameras
On July 5th 1923, The Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester, New York introduced 16mm Safety Film and one of the first companies to make movie cameras for the new film was Victor Animatograph Co. and their Victor Cine and Victor Ultra Cine Cameras…
Cine-Kodak Model A 16mm Cine Camera
The original Cine-Kodak Model A 16mm movie camera holds a significant place in the history of filmmaking. Introduced by the Eastman Kodak Company in May 1923, it was the first 16mm camera produced and heralded Eastman Kodak’s brand new 16mm safety film…
Kemco Homovie
“Revolutionary new movie principle cuts cost of taking motion pictures 75%. Astonishes movie world! ”